Who is really rejecting your resume?

It’s not the ATS that rejects your application, it’s the recruiter. This is a point that recruiters often make, especially when they are responding to resume-writing firms who promise candidates can ‘beat’ ATS by using templates or professional reviews.

Jay Miller, CEO of Uplink, a recruitment firm, posted on LinkedIn that the ATS was not rejecting his resume. This Zombie Lie is a common one, but I wanted to dispel it. You are most likely to be rejected by one of three reasons: either someone has seen your resume, you have been disqualified because you answered the knock-out question incorrectly, or you have not even looked at your resume.

Miller listed three scenarios of rejection. Candidates often mistakenly think that the ATS is rejecting them. These situations, whether it’s being disqualified from an application by knockout questions, or the ATS scoring low, leading a recruiter not to review the resume, fuel the belief that candidates must “beat” the ATS.

Click here to continue reading: Who is really rejecting your resume?

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